thankfully, travel prep is starting to wind down a little here. i've booked my transport to the airport, picked up some pounds at the currency exchange, and in a moment of last-minute shopping madness, purchased two long-desired items of clothing that i quickly justified as part of my "teaching wardrobe": a black sweater vest and a new jean skirt, both drastically on sale, of course.
now i'm not the only one preparing for an overseas teaching adventure. bardiac made a list of travel to dos today, the reading of which made me reflect on my own preparations. while she is checking off practical things, like doing her taxes and cleaning out her office pre-depart, i've been squandering my time, attempting to come to some sort of final, executive-ish decision about the shoes i plan on taking with me. as many of you know, i am a woman footwear obsessed.
here are the finalists ... i think:
1. my trusty "new york" boots -- those bitchin' boots by the designer chocolat blu that i picked up on sixth avenue during my visit with L & S this spring

2. the mythic red franco sarto boots -- i mean seriously, how could i not?

3. these sweet skecher flats i picked up the other day in a moment of shoe panic ("wait! i don't have any comfortable black flats! how will i survive?!")

4. and last, but by no means least, my much-loved running shoes (nike air perseus -- i've run in this shoe for three years now, and no more achilles tendon probs ... knock wood)

i know, i know. 4 pairs of shooz. might this excessive array of shoo choice be contributing to the agony i'm experiencing concerning the weight of my luggage? nah.
now i'm not the only one preparing for an overseas teaching adventure. bardiac made a list of travel to dos today, the reading of which made me reflect on my own preparations. while she is checking off practical things, like doing her taxes and cleaning out her office pre-depart, i've been squandering my time, attempting to come to some sort of final, executive-ish decision about the shoes i plan on taking with me. as many of you know, i am a woman footwear obsessed.
here are the finalists ... i think:
1. my trusty "new york" boots -- those bitchin' boots by the designer chocolat blu that i picked up on sixth avenue during my visit with L & S this spring

2. the mythic red franco sarto boots -- i mean seriously, how could i not?

3. these sweet skecher flats i picked up the other day in a moment of shoe panic ("wait! i don't have any comfortable black flats! how will i survive?!")

4. and last, but by no means least, my much-loved running shoes (nike air perseus -- i've run in this shoe for three years now, and no more achilles tendon probs ... knock wood)

i know, i know. 4 pairs of shooz. might this excessive array of shoo choice be contributing to the agony i'm experiencing concerning the weight of my luggage? nah.