Monday, June 04, 2007

moving props

last week, i moved house, a traumatic experience if there ever was one. though the process of packing up all my stuff revealed a multitude of sins (i seriously had no idea i owned that many shoes!), it also proved an occasion where the generosity and kindness of my friends shone blindingly through.

so they are, folks, my 2007 moving props ...

props to:

J&J, for box-gathering, moving muscle, much-needed chocolate, and the stern warning to *never pack alone -- remember what happened to agatha christie! (more on that in a future post!)

andrea, the fun one, for moving muscle extraordinary, for playing a giant game of catch with me on colborne street using my yoga ball, and for not thinking me a cheapskate when we showed up at harvey's for a celebratory hamburger on free hamburger day! i swear i had no idea! oh, one final note ... she's fun, but i'm funner ;oP.

KB, for übermoving muscle, for blithely agreeing to take on nemeses in the octagon, and for a fantastic journey to the O to fetch new ikea furniture.

CM & dan the man from newfoundland, for moving company (again, never pack alone!) and hi jinx and for haulin' ass and my stuff ;oP.

G (and W, B & O), for sane and witty conversation on moving day, for the offer of lunch, for heart-warming e-mails, & for the van (oh, the van!)

shani, for her patience, as i clomped all over the house in my shoes, upending furniture in my whirlwind of moving in -- you've already proved yourself an awesome housemate!

(shani's) john, for helping an almost complete stranger move into your girlfriend's house, and for arranging the boxes in my bedroom in perfect engineer order!


Blogger Unknown said...

T'was a pleasure to be part of the momentary, but well oiled moving machine - and don't forget my eggs and simulacrum steak at Morrison's afterward -in all an experience not soon to be forgotten.

4:07 p.m.  
Blogger Amanda Bonner said...

KIKI?! I'm so calling you that from now on.


8:43 a.m.  
Blogger Phil said...

Thanks for the props, but typical Stroke, she gives far more than she takes. Upon returning that which she borrowed from us, she bore many gifts, including a sweet lil pair of pink ballet slipper Mary Janes I never would have been cool enough to buy for myself . . .

So props to you, lady! Love the boxes. O what O would do with them!

12:39 p.m.  
Blogger Amanda Bonner said...

"Never cool enough to buy for myself" ??!! Hardly. Cleo, I think you just may have created "cool" :oP.


p.s. And yes, I may just have to shorten your moniker to "Cleo" -- Is that horrible?

3:38 p.m.  
Blogger Phil said...

Nah. But, hey, why not Phila? (huh, huh, it's like *Topher).

I was in S & R the other day (don't ask -- I keep saying that if there's stock to buy in that place, we gotta invest), and came perilously close to shoe-whore-dom. At one point I had three pairs in hand. (I need comfortable -- and smart -- walking gear for Europe.) I put one pair down. But I still exited with 2. (Just a little slutty. Like going to second . . . Hold on: do you "do the bases" in Canada? or are there hockey analogies for making out?)

(thank god I can be frivolous in other people's blogs)

9:13 p.m.  
Blogger Amanda Bonner said...

No hockey analogies in Canada for making out ... Though now that you point it out, bases are very ... uhm ... American, aren't they? I'm trying to restrain myself from making a crack about "The Great American Pastime".

And shoes? I think it's the same as with other forms of pleasure: Who's counting? (Note that I am no longer the contrite, repentant shoe whore -- The brief bout of shoe-confessional brought about by moving has left. Bring on the fun).


8:51 a.m.  
Blogger Meagan said...

Congrats on the move! Sounds like it went very smoothly :) Can't wait to see you!!!

7:35 a.m.  

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