rainy day blues

i suppose it's inevitable that after the exciting week and a half i've had i would feel a little blue about returning to the world of the normal and every day. admittedly, the weather isn't helping. as i sat out on the bay this morning in a coach boat with shani in the pouring rain, inwardly cursing my leaky integrity suit and waiting to time 4.5K trials that ultimately ended up being cancelled, i mumbled something about how days like today just work to confirm my belief that a lot of the time life sucks. i know, i know ... dour, dark thoughts on life! but you just try and be cheerful when you have rain cascading off the brim of your baseball cap, shoes filled with water and a leaky all-weather suit that leaks primarily in one place: your crotch. following practice, as i clomped and squished my way around the boathouse, complaining that the integrity of my integrity suit had been compromised, i dreaded coming home and sitting down to work. there was nothing in me that wanted to either a) prepare my course description for the course i'm teaching next winter in england, or b) work on my dissertation. i momentarily thought about having scotch for breakfast.
days like today make me insufferably nostalgic for a time when books weren't "texts", underwear was dry, and mom kept the cupboard stocked full of lucky charms. thankfully, some of what i'm working on right now helps me to feed that nostalgia a little. rather than drown my sorrows in single malt, after enjoying a long, hot shower, and putting on some dry underwear (you'd be surprised how much dry, cotton knickers can suddenly make the world a much friendlier place!), i've spent the morning devouring tales from the hardy boys children's series, some of which will appear on the syllabus for my upcoming course. on one level, i'm excited by the possibilities these texts present for my course due to the way in which they appropriate Victorian discourses of detection, policing and masculinity, and on another level, i've just been laughing myself silly over some of the advice fenton hardy dispenses to his sons frank and joe:
"The trouble is, so often when a young man joins a group of hoodlums or racketeers, he's blackmailed for the rest of his life, even though he tries to go straight." The detective smiled. "The best way to avoid such a situation is never to get into it!" (Fenton to Frank and Joe in The House on the Cliff)
a timely warning, fenton, as just this morning, i was considering a career in hoodlumming and racketeering, to be taken up after my potent liquid breakfast!
the rain has stopped (at least for the moment), frank and joe are about to rescue fenton from the clutches of the evil, thin-lipped and cruel bayport smuggler, felix snattman, and i have a lovely, thick grilled cheese sandwich browning on the stove. the barometer in shannon-land is slowly starting to rise. as long as i can avoid another soaking, i think i'll be a happy girl.
Grilled cheese is the ultimate comfort food.
I grew up with a huge shelf of Bobbsey Twins books, and another of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, all of which my Mom had lovingly saved for me, and all of which I detested as a kid. My poor mom, just one of many ways I disappointed her! Maybe they'd be funny if I read them now?
I'm up for the century challenge, and started looking at some sites about training miles. The thing is, I'm OLD, and maybe won't advance quickly. Nonetheless, I'm game to go for it and get there eventually.
Quick question: have you found that you ride faster with clipless? Or more efficiently? Or does it make different muscles tired? (Can you tell I'm wildly impatient to get my new bike? And to finish grading so that I can actually go riding!)
Hey B --
I can certainly credit Nancy Drew with helping to decide my current life path, and in part, my dissertation topic! Not sure how she and the Hardy Boys would re-read for one who wasn't originally a fan. It certainly is a trip down memory lane.
Excellent about the century! If you have any links, please pass them on. I haven't had a chance to accost my downstairs neighbours for a suggested training plan.
This will be fun! And having an online buddy is going to help. Today is the first dry day we've had here in a while, and thus I thought I'd get a chance to get out on the road today, but alas no. I'm thinking about buying a trainer so I can ride on days when it's too cold/hot/wet/etc.
I found that my riding was definitely more efficient with the pedals and shoes. I felt like I could get more drive on the downward push, and I was able to work different muscles by pulling up a little in the pedal stroke. The thing I found made the most difference was the stiff-bottomed sole. On the few long rides I've taken, I noticed my feet didn't hurt so much.
How many days till bike day? I opened a bottle of champagne when I got mine home. Somehow it seemed appropriate :o).
Probably another week on the new bike, which should mean a real treat after I turn in grades, right?
Just a quick web search turned up these: http://www.carbboom.com/education/century.php
(This one starts from ground zero, so maybe we could start a couple weeks in, depending?)
Here's another: http://www.kanbike.org/pages/training.php
I just really need to finish the semester so I can take a deep breath. Well, and decent weather would be nice!
You guys are super ambitious, I love it! I am still knee-deep in soreness (pun very much intended), and I am going insane with lack of training! Yargh.
It scares me that Meagan thinks I'm in any way athletically ambitious. What am I getting myself into????
Hey B --
Meg is a great encourager ... She'll keep us motivated :o).
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