dear annoying person ...

who keeps recalling books i need for my dissertation,
would you please stop it?
no one cared about these books when i first took them out, and since i've been the only one who has cared for them in the intervening years, your "come late to the party, aren't i a star" attitude is really starting to piss me off.
this has been going on for almost three months, and this last recall is the last straw.
consider yourself lucky in that the library refuses to disclose your identity to me -- i think the librarians are picking up on my latent rage.
just write your fucking term paper (it's probably going to suck anyway) and give me my books back and no one gets hurt.
I'm not ready to make nice (or stop listening to cheese-y chick music) and sounds like you aren't either. I say that we stand by the library counter and act out the Charcot-inspired video while singing at the top of our lungs! Project TNS... in all it's wonderful and weird forms!
Oh gawd... I just it's an its. Yikes, my brain is melting
Ahahaha...brilliant Shanny! Just brilliant! I understand the library-rage..I really do. *MUAH*
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