
i just received my training schedule for rowing in my inbox with a note attached from my coach telling us all to "listen to our bodies". i'm listening, and i can tell you that mine is screaming and kicking like a 3 year-old in the midst of a full-on tantrum. "I. DON'T. WANNA!"
this reluctance puzzles me. this time last year i was salivating for an excel spreadsheet with my workouts mapped out for me. i found days of rest to be insulting and preferred to cross-train. where is this sudden bout of sloth and lethargy coming from?
perhaps i'm missing my erging sessions with S (who is off having a grand time with L in NYC), perhaps i'm indulging a little too much in the luxury my new gym offers (not every workout needs to be followed by 15 minutes in the sauna!). perhaps i'm just in a lazy cycle (you know? like the ebb and flow of neatness? it comes and it goes?).
whatever the reason i've got to kick my substantially larger-than-it -was-in-november ass into gear. megarrifc? are you out there? can you give me a kick? hard.
tomorrow's task? 50 minutes @ 2:25/500m. i can do this.
*the pic is of a fellow queen's student "ass up" at the national indoor erging championships. when you finish your piece on the erg like this, you know you've worked hard enough.
... ok... ok...I always imagine this is how i'll end up when we start gym-buddying :P
okay. i had that coming. :p
DUDE! Get your ass in gear. Do the workouts. Even if the first few weeks suck, you'll get back into the groove. I promise! Just slog through it: the motivation will return.
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