dear tuneless fiddler on princess street

this spring, when the ice on the lake begins to thaw and the crocuses peep through the banks of melting snow, you will meet your busking nemesis. be forewarned -- my little accordion and i are going to polish up our repertoire of polka music and east coast sea shanties and your seat outside the scotiabank will be mine (as will all the random change that passers-by are throwing into your fiddle case). this april, the good folks of ktown will hear the dulcet tones of my accordion and will daydream about being on the left bank in paris. dude, you're goin' down.
*the pic is of lydie auvray, the great german accordion player and one of my new idols. i say again, walter ostenak, eat your heart out.
I will dance a one foot jig while swireling Stevie NIcks-type shawls! We could be an act and take it on the road to other Kingston corners. We could take over the front of the Goat, or the waterfront band shell or... if you get really good... the corner of Union and Division? (You are far more observant than I am. I bow down to you.)
do you think we could get a monkey to round out the act?
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