chicken boo

so far, i've told two people about my new year's resolution. yes, that's right. resolution, singular. those that know me know how much i love a good list. lists impose order on my self-made chaos. i'm the one in my little band of friendly mischief makers that is forever asking, "but do we have a plan?!" i like point-form lists. numbered lists put me over the moon. when i found out that one can colour code different calendars in iCal, i squealed with delight. type a? nah.
thus it seems strange (perhaps only to myself) that i have only one resolution. traditionally, i have a listfull that i coddle for the first part of the new year and eventually end up throwing away in disgust. it frustrates me and discourages me that i never am able to cross everything off. this year, i've decided to take a different tack.
here it is. my only new year's resolution: i'm not going to let fear be the biggest influence in decisions i make.
sounds pretty cheesy, non? formulating it, though, was actually quite revelatory. until recently, i hadn't been aware how often i let fear (of circumstances, consequences, myself, others) dictate the choices i make. keeping a little island of "me" squared away safe somewhere off the official map is a defense mechanism that i think does more harm than good. it certainly makes for a life that has the potential to be filled with "what ifs" -- something i've always told myself i'd never live. please don't worry that i'm going to go out and do something foolish (like the PhD candidate i read about recently that went over niagara falls in something called a plunge-o-sphere! he survived). as i explained to the princess the other night, it isn't about being fearless. that would be stupid. sometimes it's good to be afraid and to let that fear keep you from doing something ridiculous. i think, and i've been mulling it over quite a bit lately, it's more about acknowledging i'm scared, letting myself be scared, but not letting that fear be the only reason i do (or don't do) something.
how will i make out? it's difficult to tell. parring down my list of resolutions in and of itself engendered a certain, uhm, chickenshited-ness in yours truly. i'm taking the fact that i was able to reduce it all to one resolution and leave behind my security blanket embroidered with bullet points as a promising sign.
Ahh Fear, sometimes I wonder if it's truly a emotion we feel or an adjective we use too often.
How many of us go through life being afraid of things only to end up being 85 years old and fearing our own death.
Great resolution and good luck in the classroom next week!!
What is the reading list ?
I think this is the best resolution I've ever heard of. I, like you, am a HUGE fan of lists (bulleted, numbered, if it's in a line - preferably vertical - and organized in terms of priority, then I am one happy chicken). Fear is so often a factor in decision making. It certainly is in my life, without question.
I have a good feeling about this one, bella! I'm with you all the way, and will be cheering for you on Dec. 31, 2007 when you get to cross that one (gargantuan) item off your list!
Oooh, and thanks for the xmas card! Gauntlets sound sooooo perfectly Victorian! :)
BP - thanks for reading! i think most of the time, people don't realize *how much fear leads them ...
ah, the syllabus. i finished it today (i'm a notorious tweaker). my students will be continuing their chronological exploration of british literature in the romantic period with selections from coleridge's "preface" to lyrical ballads and then working their little hineys off till they get to a great postmodern novel in april. lucky little buggers.
meg! i knew you'd get it. (both the resolution and the xmas card!) i'm back in kingston next later this week, and when i arrive i plan on calling you up and indulging in a long distance victorian book chat with you! we must talk about kingsley! miss you muchly!
Chicken boo... well... he's not a man. Don't fret sweetness, I will hold you to that resolution if it kills me (or you do).
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