i wanna run away and join the circus ...
... in paris. i know no one is really surprised about that last bit. my desire comes in part from a wish for more of the fantastic and surreal in my life than there is at the moment -- so i'm a girl who likes her fantasy ... what of it? -- and in part as a result of my nose getting stuck in the circus and victorian society by brenda assael (virginia up, 2006).

perhaps if i timed it right, i'd be there in time to particpate in the international circus festival of tomorrow taking place at cirque d'hiver bouglione.
i'm sure i could master a cartwheel and a handstand and buy myself some big floppy shoes and red nose by january of 2007; learning to make a successful balloon animal is another matter entirely, however.

perhaps if i timed it right, i'd be there in time to particpate in the international circus festival of tomorrow taking place at cirque d'hiver bouglione.

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