HoT from bow to stern
yes, as a crew we are ... but the acronym actually refers to what will be the last race of this season: the Head of the Trent. technology has finally caught up with our boat and i'm working on a way to rig up an iPod to the speaker system used by our cox box. for our final race together i'm thinking we should spin the playlist below as we row the 5k from the launching dock to the start; each song, i'd like to think, is evocative of one of my crewmates, from bow to stern.
1. Jane (bow): Volvo Driving Soccer Mom/Everclear
2. Diana (2 seat): Let's Get It Started/Black Eyed Peas
3. Kelly (3 seat): Ready To Go/Republica
4. Shani (4 seat): Don't Ya Wish Your Girlfriend/Pussycat Dolls
5. Susan (5 seat): We Will Rock You/Queen
6. Kate (6 seat): Sleep in Late/Molly Johnson
7. Mary Louise (7 seat): Olympia/E-Type
8. me (stroke): One Girl Revolution/SUPERCHIC[K]
9. Karen (cox): C is for Cookie/Frank Oz
10.Leslie (coach): Rockstar/Nickelback
jane and diana, the babes in the bow, come to mind whenever i hear the two songs by everclear and black eyed peas, respectively. jane is one funky volvo driving hockey mom, and diana is always ready to get something started in those early mornings when i'm still wiping the sleep out of my eyes. kelly is the republica song -- on the water, during those brief moments of rest, she is always urging us to row longer and harder. how many guys wish their girlfriends where as hot and as much fun as shani? many, i think. the first time i heard susan say she wanted to kick some don rowing club a** i was a little shocked, but she rowed at henley with an edge. i hear this classic queen song and i think of her. kate could have written the lyrics to the molly johnson song, but only after lunch; morning kate doesn't do lyrics ;o7. it was a tough decision for a 7 seat song. mary louise knows how to car dance stunningly to christina aguleira's "fighter", but her need to listen to e-type's "olympia" before a race made me pick it over the other. i wear a wonder woman shirt to practice whenever i need to remember to really drive, hence the superchic[k] song. during a tense moment as we approached the starting gate at the worlds, karen broke into an impromptu rendition of "c is for coxie", a mash of the classic cookie monster song and lyrics of her own. last but not least, track 10 is for leslie, our coach. i heard her singing along to this song one day at the boathouse when it came on over the radio. dude, she really does rock! thanks for a great season of racing girls; it is a privilege to row with all of you.

1. Jane (bow): Volvo Driving Soccer Mom/Everclear
2. Diana (2 seat): Let's Get It Started/Black Eyed Peas
3. Kelly (3 seat): Ready To Go/Republica
4. Shani (4 seat): Don't Ya Wish Your Girlfriend/Pussycat Dolls
5. Susan (5 seat): We Will Rock You/Queen
6. Kate (6 seat): Sleep in Late/Molly Johnson
7. Mary Louise (7 seat): Olympia/E-Type
8. me (stroke): One Girl Revolution/SUPERCHIC[K]
9. Karen (cox): C is for Cookie/Frank Oz
10.Leslie (coach): Rockstar/Nickelback
jane and diana, the babes in the bow, come to mind whenever i hear the two songs by everclear and black eyed peas, respectively. jane is one funky volvo driving hockey mom, and diana is always ready to get something started in those early mornings when i'm still wiping the sleep out of my eyes. kelly is the republica song -- on the water, during those brief moments of rest, she is always urging us to row longer and harder. how many guys wish their girlfriends where as hot and as much fun as shani? many, i think. the first time i heard susan say she wanted to kick some don rowing club a** i was a little shocked, but she rowed at henley with an edge. i hear this classic queen song and i think of her. kate could have written the lyrics to the molly johnson song, but only after lunch; morning kate doesn't do lyrics ;o7. it was a tough decision for a 7 seat song. mary louise knows how to car dance stunningly to christina aguleira's "fighter", but her need to listen to e-type's "olympia" before a race made me pick it over the other. i wear a wonder woman shirt to practice whenever i need to remember to really drive, hence the superchic[k] song. during a tense moment as we approached the starting gate at the worlds, karen broke into an impromptu rendition of "c is for coxie", a mash of the classic cookie monster song and lyrics of her own. last but not least, track 10 is for leslie, our coach. i heard her singing along to this song one day at the boathouse when it came on over the radio. dude, she really does rock! thanks for a great season of racing girls; it is a privilege to row with all of you.

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