Saturday, September 30, 2006

fin - photo montage

today, our crew raced its last race of the season, the head of the trent in peterborough. after a summer that moved with its own unmistakable rhythm of practices, short races, and the rocked-out bliss that follows the 1000m adrenaline rush, racing in the fall has been characterized more by transition than consistency. the long races of 5km + were the movement through that liminal space between rowing and not rowing; the horn that announced the end of our sub-19 minute trip down the trent course also announced our arrival at a finish of another sort entirely.

it was difficult for me not to become maudlin at the thought of change. thankfully, for some reason, my camera (at least when i was taking the pictures!) captured some of the most humourous shots of my crewmates and the regatta setting that i've ever had the good fortune to see. i've included those along with some more picturesque shots of the atmosphere of trent. it's hard not to concur with mla's happy, persistant belief in the trent campus as a sort of ontario arcadia.

option a) truck; option b) desk

mla is not amused by my stealth picture taking

what mischievious thoughts are masked by lisa's oh-so-innocent smile?

"do you people realize i've been up since the crack of dawn?!"

"shannon, what did you do now?"

diana, looking a little confused as to what she should be doing with her hands

there was a big debate as to whether jane's bow number should go on her uni or her shirt ... then there was the debate as to which shirt she should be wearing ... and then there was the debate as to whether the shirt should go under or over the uni ; jane's swift changing skills would have left a runway model slackjawed

for purposes of easy identification

"the coachboat killer? who? me?"

welcome to a rower's arcadia, where the breezes are cool and light, the water is smooth and the crowds cheer you home ...

the nascopie, guts up

a flight of singles in the chute

which of these things is not like the other? even the arcadian landscape can sometimes be disturbed by intrusions from the outside world

nowhere else are the crowds this close and this supportive!

though this bridge no longer leads anywhere, i'd like to think it suggests more rowing in the future


Blogger Amanda Bonner said...

vintagebow (with an online handle like that you must start a blog! :o5) -- yes, yes. next season, of course! oh, and why doesn't it surprise me that we have a similar taste in sunday brunch spots? nice surprise to see you this morning :o)

2:00 p.m.  
Blogger 00 said...

I forgot today was your LONG Monday... I hope your lecturing went great, babe. Your pics look amazing! Congrats on coming 2nd. On my list of women you kick butt you will come third (only after Lara and Buffy :P

hugs right back to ya,

1:41 a.m.  

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