wrinkly noses and messy hair
those seem to be the side effects of my new career in the pair. my coach has made jokes about my hair and kindly refrained from comments about my face. here are some pics of me out with my pair buddy shani on the water one afternoon last week. i don't exactly know why i wrinkle my nose -- i can only imagine what my face looks like when i'm rowing hard. confessingmermaid, intrepid photographer and master of the camera in a sock (don't ask), took them.
getting ready to leave the dock
grinning like an idiot (yes, i should have one hand on my blade at all times, and yes, those are piles of goose cr*p on the dock ... bloody birds.)
i'm not sure what i think i see in the bottom of the boat, but by the look on my face, it's pretty strange.
i think this is my fav

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