if a package arrives from acme ...

do you remember those road runner cartoons where wile e. coyote would order a big wooden crate of stuff from acme that was supposed to help him in his life's work of anihilating the road runner? yeah, well i feel like i've been living in a warner bros. cartoon for the past few days.

tuesday: i almost fell off my roof trying to rescue my kitten, charlie, who escaped out an opened window. the fact that i was wearing nothing but a pair of purple panties and a giant t-shirt from bob rae's campaign for the liberal leadership --- the front says "call me bob" and the back says "let's talk about the future"; friends gave it to me as a joke), and the fact that my neighbours were hosting a garden party for which i was unwittingly the entertainment, only makes it that much worse.

thursday: i set out with my friend confessingmermaid to fetch a cup of coffee on a brief hiatus from working in the library. i almost got hit by a bus. some jfs was backing her car out of her driveway and i jumped off the sidewalk on to the road to avoid getting hit by her, placing myself smack in the path of an oncoming coach canada bus. confessingmermaid pulled me out of the path of sure death, and i believe, saved my life.
according to my calculations, something horrid should happen tomorrow.

do you remember those road runner cartoons where wile e. coyote would order a big wooden crate of stuff from acme that was supposed to help him in his life's work of anihilating the road runner? yeah, well i feel like i've been living in a warner bros. cartoon for the past few days.

tuesday: i almost fell off my roof trying to rescue my kitten, charlie, who escaped out an opened window. the fact that i was wearing nothing but a pair of purple panties and a giant t-shirt from bob rae's campaign for the liberal leadership --- the front says "call me bob" and the back says "let's talk about the future"; friends gave it to me as a joke), and the fact that my neighbours were hosting a garden party for which i was unwittingly the entertainment, only makes it that much worse.

thursday: i set out with my friend confessingmermaid to fetch a cup of coffee on a brief hiatus from working in the library. i almost got hit by a bus. some jfs was backing her car out of her driveway and i jumped off the sidewalk on to the road to avoid getting hit by her, placing myself smack in the path of an oncoming coach canada bus. confessingmermaid pulled me out of the path of sure death, and i believe, saved my life.
according to my calculations, something horrid should happen tomorrow.

Bad luck always comes in threes... your run must be almost done; so cheer up hun', the sun will shine soon! (Or I'll pull you out of the path of the next bus :)
Hey darling! Good luck on your race! You rock!
luv you bunches!
awww, thanks hon. i avoided near death over the weekend. you're such a good friend --- you would pull me out of the path of the next bus :o). i hope that one day, i can do the same for you (wait! not that i want you to be in the path of an oncoming bus ... but you know what i mean!)
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